Greater Charlotte Apartment Association (GCAA) Morning Perks Podcast
Make the most of your commute; download and listen as we discuss the latest trends in the multifamily industry, upcoming events, and how to get the most out of a GCAA membership! GCAA's Morning Perks Podcast airs the second and fourth Wednesday of the month!
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Greater Charlotte Apartment Association (GCAA) Morning Perks Podcast
50 Bucks In This Podcast + Why Is Lonnie's Couch Crumbling
GCAA Executive Director Kim Graham pulls back the GCAA curtain. While the GCAA is wildly transparent, that quiet day-to-day force ensuring that our members are protected and connected isn't always seen or fully understood. Speaking of transparency, you'll hear how our "doors are always open" operation style has created somewhat of a furniture crisis in Lonnie's office - that couch is crumbling like his favorite treat (revealed in this episode)! Listen for this - host Bill Clements drops a secret word in this episode; the first listener who emails it back to Bill wins $50!!
It's Morning Perks - let's percolate!