Greater Charlotte Apartment Association (GCAA) Morning Perks Podcast
Make the most of your commute; download and listen as we discuss the latest trends in the multifamily industry, upcoming events, and how to get the most out of a GCAA membership! GCAA's Morning Perks Podcast airs the second and fourth Wednesday of the month!
Have an idea for an episode?
Share your idea: pr@greatercaa.org
Greater Charlotte Apartment Association (GCAA) Morning Perks Podcast
Boy Mom, Beaches, and Pizza · Conversation With Christine Velander
On this Morning Perks Podcast, host Bill Clements shares a conversation with Chris Velander from Chadwell Supply. Listen as she talks about bringing home the Chadwell National Account Manager of the Year Award and shares what she believes are the keys to being a successful supplier partner.
We're always excited to learn more than multifamily things; you'll hear Chris talk about her role as a boy mom, beach-bound plans for the future, and her favorite food shoutout.